The ASTRE project has developed a monitoring tool to measure the impact of MOOCs and e-learning on both the professional and personal development of participating learners in MOOCs and e-learning. This tool is integrated into the quality assurance system of MOOC and e-learning providers .
The Transnational Conference of the Erasmus ASTRE-Automatic System for Tracking E-Learners project was held on 12 January 2022 at the Alcoy Campus.
The aim of the conference was to present the tracking system developed in the ASTRE project, as well as the results obtained and to highlight the need to have a tracking system for MOOC and e-learning students in the organisations that offer this training.
The event brought together staff from different entities and organisations offering MOOCs and e-learning, as well as staff from local and county authorities.
ASTRE project was presented, at the XXVIII University Congress on Educational Innovation in Technical Education (CUIEET 2021) held in hybrid form, on 8-10 September 2021, at the University of Castilla la Mancha. Almadén- Spain.
ASTRE project was presented, at the VIII R+D Congress Creando Sinergias 2021 held in hybrid form, on 14 July 2021, at the Universitat Superior d´Alcoi, Spain.
The Erasmus+ project ASTRE successfully developed a tracking system for MOOC and e-learning graduates, which focuses on the impact that the attendance of MOOC/e-elearning and the certification have had on the learner’s personal and professional competences, further education, career path, professional status, earnings etc.
In the framework of the ASTRE project, 2 webinars were organised online, by IDEC SA. The aims of the two webinars were:
to raise awareness on the relevance and usefulness of tracking their own learners.
to present how e-learning/MOOC providers can design and implement a tracking system for their graduate
to present how e-learning/MOOC providers can integrate the tracking system into their quality assurance system.
The webinars were addressed to MOOC providers and organisations that provide e-learning courses.
You can watch the recordings of both webinars below:
November 23rd the project ASTRE was presented in the framework of the
3rd Transnational, Online Conference DISCUSS LEARNING, a multiplier event organized by IDEC, in Greece.
event lasted two hours and more than 200 people attended it. Firstly, Nefeli
Dimopoulou from IDEC, made a brief introduction to the project while Dr.
Aristides Protopsaltis from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, mentioned
the importance of implementing a graduate tracking system for providers of
online educational programs. Then, Apostolos Kostas from the University of the
Aegean, presented the implementation of the alumni tracking system at the
Lifelong learning centre of University of the Aegean. In
continuation, Diamanto
Zisimopoulou from the European Association of Erasmus Coordinators, talked
about the voice of e-learners: recommendations for upgrading the quality of
online educational programmes. The conference day finished with Raquel Belda
Anaya, Pablo Díaz García and Maria Ángeles Bonet Aracil from the Polytechnic
University of Valencia who spoke about the integration of a graduate tracking
system in the quality assurance of organisations, in English.
event was successful, with a very interesting presentation of the ASTRE project
and the beneficiaries fully satisfied by project’s implementation and outcomes.
Το έργο ASTRE παρουσιάστηκε, από την EAEC, στο Συνέδριο ERACON 2021 που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 5-9 Ιουλίου 2021, στη Βάρνα της Βουλγαρίας. Μπορείτε να βρείτε το Πρόγραμμα και την ηχογράφηση του συνεδρίου στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: