Who can benefit


The implementation of a tracking system will empower MOOC providers with
relevant data on their learners career and learning paths and information on skills needed in the labour market. The MOOC providers will be able to use this knowledge into the design of new programmes and support services for their learners.
Furthermore, the MOOC providers will improve the quality culture of their own organisations, incorporating processes for evidence-based decisions.


With ASTRE project MOOC learners become an important stakeholder in the quality assurance of MOOC provision, as they have a voice, on the formation of MOOC provision. MOOC learners will benefit from the opening of new MOOCs and improvements in the quality and relevance of the existing ones.


The project will have an impact on national and regional Education and Lifelong Learning authorities, policy makers, associations and clusters of e-learning and MOOC providers. Stakeholders will attend the project multiplier events and they will receive information through the project newsletter.

At European level, the project will have an impact on the uptake of EQAVET. The project will be presented in EPALE, in EQAVET newsletter and in important European and national events, such as DLEARN conference and ERACON conference.