At the core of the tracking system is a tracking survey addressed to MOOC learners that have completed a specific course. The survey focuses on the impact that the attendance of MOOC and the certification have had on the learner’s personal and professional competences, further education, career path, professional status, earnings etc.
The tracking System has been designed to make it as easy as possible for MOOC providers to incorporate the survey in their MOOCs. To use the survey you must follow the steps described below:
- Select one platform for the online survey.
- Follow the instructions below to implement the online form
- Update the survey to meet your organisation’s needs
- Decide on how to distribute the survey
- Invite students or graduates to participate in the survey
- Gather results from the Survey once the deadline is over.
- Analyse results and get conclusions.
- Implement which changes you must carry out in your MOOC/ e-learning course.
For more information about the steps and the survey, you can download the Survey file here
How to implement the online form
EUSurvey or other platform
If you choose to use the EUSurvey then you will need to download the survey file found and visit the EUSurvey webpage. There you will have to log in and create a new survey. If you do not have an EU login account, please follow the instructions on site.
In the new survey, you can copy paste the questions found in the survey file.
The same procedure applies if you choose to use another platform.
The survey for tracking the learners from MOOCS uploaded in the EU SURVEY platform can be found here
Google form
One of the survey formats that the ASTRE website contains has been designed using the Google Forms tool. In order to use it, you must generate a copy that you can edit and modify or keep in the designed format.
It is an essential requirement to have a Google account to be able to save the survey form in your Google Drive space.
You can request access to the survey model by sending an email to the following address.
In the mail you send, please include the name of your organisation:
English & Italian & Greek:
After we receive your email, we will send you access to the survey.
Once the link has been received, carry out the following operations to download a copy that you will host in your Google Drive space:
By linking to the link, the browser will send you to the survey prepared for you

At the top right of the screen, click the icon which will give you access to the following dropdown:

1. Click on Make a copy to get a copy of the survey
A pop-up window will open asking for a file name and the location within your Google Drive space where you want to save your survey

You already have your survey format that you can maintain or modify / adapt to your needs.
Notice that the link will be active in a period of time no longer than 48 hours from the receipt of the access link, after this period of time the original format will be eliminated and you will not be able to access the survey format, having to request a new access.